Hotel Windsor Castel

About Windsor History

Hotel Windsor Castle is the finest heritage hotel in Salem. A great example of the marriage of contemporary and traditionalism, this property boasts of impeccable services, an elegant decor and an attractive colour palette- a visual delight for the guests.

The Best

The Best

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956 220 6666

Luxury Room

"Indulge in pure luxury with our meticulously designed rooms, where every detail is crafted to elevate your stay into an unforgettable experience of comfort and elegance."
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Fitness Center

A fitness center is a dedicated facility equipped with exercise equipment and amenities to support physical fitness and wellness activities, offering a range of workouts and training programs to help individuals achieve their health goals.
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The Restaurant

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Spa Center

An intuitive art of touch and high standards of dedicated service are the highlights of Jasmine Spa experience.
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